
Friday, January 31, 2014

Yeast Infection Symptoms in Men

Yeast Infection Symptoms in Men

Men with yeast infections may have burning, itching around the penis or a rash. Yeast infections are not considered sexually transmitted infections, but unprotected sex with a partner with a yeast infection may mean you get the infection, too. Women and men can get yeast infections from a course of antibiotics that kills off the friendly flora in the body. When that happens, Candida albicans, the fungus that is responsible for yeast infections, can take over causing infection. Yeast infections are easily treated with medications such as Monistat, which can be used by both sexes.


    A yeast infection is the overgrowth of Candida albicans in the body. This fungus lives in the mouth, on the skin and in the gastrointestinal system of men. Men who have a yeast infection may have used antibiotics for a different reason but the antibiotics have allowed Candida albicans to grow out of whack.

    Men with a yeast infection may experience a rash, a burning sensation or itching on the penis. Many books have been written regarding Candida albicans and how to spot symptoms and work a cure: eliminate all sugar, mushrooms and fruits and remove any other food allergens from the diet.


    People identify yeast infections with women and also "blame" them as the source if their male partners get a yeast infection. Again, men who have taken oral antibiotics can get yeast infections independent of any sexual contact with their women partners.

    It is possible for a man to get a yeast infection from a woman if he has sex without using a condom. While men may report itching, a rash or a sensation of burning during urination when they have a yeast infection, others report no symptoms. In those cases, it is possible for a woman to get reinfected by her male partner.


    Men with a yeast infection may have no symptoms and infect their sexual partners and the cycle of re-infection begins, although sexually transmitted infection of yeast is not common. The most common symptoms of yeast infection in men is itching around the penis, a burning sensation during urination or a rash. Men can also get a yeast infection from taking antibiotics. Men who overconsume beer, yeasted breads, cheese, sugar and fungi such as mushroom may also be susceptible to yeast infection.

    Men who are exposed to mold from their home or work environments may also get yeast infections.


    To prevent spreading a yeast infection to your partner, wait until the infection has cleared before resuming sexual activity. By using condoms during sexual intercourse, men can prevent getting infected or from transmitting the yeast infection to a female partner.To eliminate yeast infections from sexual contact, make certain each partner is treated and free of yeast infections before resuming sexual contact. Eat yogurt with live cultures including acidophilus lactobacilius, or take them as capsules. Both can be purchased at health food stores. Read labels closely.


    If you have a yeast infection and do not use a condom during sex, you can transmit the infection to your partner. If you and your partner have a yeast infection, get treatment and let the infection resolve and be eliminated before resuming sexual activity. It is not common for yeast to be transmitted sexually but it can happen.


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