
Friday, February 21, 2014

How to Cure Yeast Infection with Vinegar and Yogurt

How to Cure Yeast Infection with Vinegar and Yogurt

Yeast Infections can become debilitating conditions. Aside from that they can just make you feel lethargic and bloated, and if they are external, they can cause extreme discomfort. Many modern medicines either only treat the symptoms, leaving the underlying cause of the infection untouched, or have unpleasant side effects which cannot be avoided. Yeast infections however are not new, and there are a few natural remedies you can try which will most likely yield results. Does this Spark an idea?



    Apple Cider Vinegar has become popular in recent times for treating many things, but when it comes to treating yeast infections it is an absolute powerhouse. It is so easy to administer, it's practically foolproof. All you need to do is put 500 mLs of water in a a bottle and add two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar. This should be consumed over the course of the day. You can ingest your dose all at once, but it is much more beneficial to drink it over a prolonged period. Once you have had at least a week free of symptoms, you should be able to stop taking the Apple Cider Vinegar without risk of recurrence.


    The acidophilus found in natural set is fantastic for righting many internal imbalances, especially those in the gut, where the underlying cause of many yeast infections can be found. Simply eating a few good tablespoons of naturally set yogurt will get rid of any yeast infections from the inside out.


    Both Apple Cider Vinegar Dilutions and Natural Set Yogurt can be used topically as well. This tends to work best in conjunction with an internal dose, as the underlying causes of yeast infections are almost always internal, even if they display externally.


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