
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Foods for Prostate Health

Foods for Prostate Health

The prostate gland is located just below the bladder in the male excretory system. As a man gets older, this gland tends to enlarge and can cause health issues such as urinary problems, benign enlargement and cancer. More than half of men in their 60s and as many as 90 percent in their 70s and 80s experience some type of health condition stemming from the prostate. Creating and maintaining a quality diet can go a long way in relieving some of these conditions and may even help to prevent prostate cancer.

Benefits of Fresh Fruits

    Cherry tomatoes for prostate health

    Consuming fresh fruits is beneficial for good prostate health. The natural sugar contained in them have a protective effect on the gland. Studies are currently underway to determine the additional benefit of lycopene on the prostate. Lycopene is a natural chemical compound found in such fruits as tomatoes, watermelons and pink grapefruit. This compound gives the fruit its rich, red color and is a powerful antioxidant. Men studied who had diets high in lycopene-rich fruits were found to have less incidences of prostate cancer. In a 2003 Harvard study, 47,000 men who ate 10 servings of tomatoes per week cut their risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer by 50 percent.

Benefits of Fresh Vegetables

    Broccoli for prostate health

    Many vegetables also contain lycopene. Beets, artichokes, sweet potatoes, carrots and turnips are good examples Some vegetables contain another antioxidant called sulforaphane, which is useful in reducing inflammation, repairing oxidative damage and removing carcinogens. Broccoli, cabbage, kale, and Swiss chard are good choices of leafy, green vegetables that contain sulforaphane.

Benefits of Fish and Vegetable Oils

    Shellfish for prostate health

    In order for the body to properly utilize the lycopene in fruits and vegetables, it needs zinc. Zinc can be found in whole fish and shellfish. Other good sources include pumpkins, unpeeled baked potatoes, lean meat, yogurt and legumes. Studies are also underway to determine the value of the mineral selenium for better prostate health. Selenium encourages the production of glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant useful in protecting the cells from oxidative damage. Selenium may also slow cancerous growths by promoting immune cell activity. Fish, shellfish, Brazil nuts and garlic all contain selenium. Margarine and vegetable oils are also helpful.

Benefits of Soy

    Hormone stability is important for good prostate health. The versatile soybean contains flavonoids, which are compounds that help the body achieve this hormonal balance. Although many vegetarian and vegan dishes contain soy and soy products, it is recommended for optimal health benefits to obtain the soy from the actual soybean or from tofu.

Benefits of Nuts and Seeds

    Walnuts for prostate health

    According to Reader's Digest (Foods That Harm Foods That Heal), vitamin E has been instrumental with inflammation reduction and protection against prostate cancer. Good sources include egg yolks, wheat germ, nuts and seeds. Pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds and hemp are especially helpful, as they help regulate hormones. Pistachios, almonds, Brazil nuts and walnuts are low in saturated fat and contain vitamin E and other protective nutrients. Foods with anti-inflammatory properties such as ginger and onions also offer good support.

Use of Herbs

    Saw palmetto has been used for years as an important herb for the enlarged prostate. Saw palmetto contains a compound that inhibits the development of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which turns the male hormone testosterone into DHT (dyhydrotestosterone). While DHT is essential in the development of male sex-specific characteristics such as facial hair, it is also known for its role in the development of prostate problems. The use of saw palmetto diminishes the production of DHT, while offering support to the urinary tract and bladder.


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