Having a child with acid reflux can be very stressful. Acid reflux is caused when acid from the stomach comes back up into the esophagus. This can cause very painful heartburn, gas and vomiting. According to the Cleveland Clinic, some signs of acid reflux can include colic, feeding problems, gagging, poor growth and breathing problems. Sometimes acid reflux in children is caused by a structural problem in the stomach or esophagus, but other times the cause is unknown. There are a few things that you can do with your child's diet to help control their acid reflux.
Foods to Avoid
Some foods tend to make acid reflux in children worse. Most of these foods are highly acidic in nature. Caffeinated beverages such as sodas and teas should be avoided or drunk in moderation. Foods that contain tomato products, citrus fruits, chocolate, fried foods and high fat foods are also culprits. Milk can also be a trigger, but not in all people. Watch your child carefully to see if he has any symptoms after eating these foods. If he does, try to eliminate them completely from his diet or only allow them on special occasions.
Foods to Eat
Have your child eat more foods like whole grain breads, rice, oatmeal, cheeses, baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, pears, apples, bananas, baked chicken and other lean meats. If your child's acid reflux is triggered by milk, try soy milk and replace other dairy products with soy alternatives.
When to Eat
Have your child eat several small meals instead of three large ones through out the day. This can cut down on the amount of stomach acid that they are producing and reduce reflux symptoms. Be sure to avoid any of their trigger foods during supper to avoid an acid reflux attack at night.
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