
Friday, May 2, 2014

Free & Easy Weight Loss Diets

Free & Easy Weight Loss Diets

Losing weight is one of the hardest things for most people to commit to--not so much because they eat too much, but because they're filling their diet with foods that are so incredibly harmful for them. If people were privy to the knowledge of how good certain diets were for them, losing weight might be a little easier. But what are some of the best weight-loss diets that nutritionists are recommending?

The Fruit Flush Diet

    The Fruit Flush Diet is an effective weight-loss diet consisting of two parts fruit, one part protein, an online resource for healthy, natural diets that help readers lose weight, advises against what it calls "fad diets." These are diets that claim that exercise is not needed or that an exorbitant amount of weight can be lost in a short time. To note, 10 pounds is the healthy amount of weight to lose per month.

    The website suggests a diet called The Fruit Flush Diet. Created by Jay Robb, a professional nutritionist, The Fruit Flush Diet lasts three days. On the first day, drink a protein shake for each meal. For the second and third day, eat one serving of fresh fruit every two hours. Note: A serving consists of one small piece of fruit, such as an orange or a plum. Also, two hours before you go to bed, stop eating fruits and have a small piece of lean meat so you aren't losing muscle mass and thinking you're burning far. Reportedly, the weight loss occurs because muscle mass is increased and muscle burns fat. Also, the constant eating of small meals speeds up the metabolism.

Natural Acai Berry Diet

    Acai berries contain some of the highest concentrations of antioxidants

    If you like the idea of cleansing and flushing impurities out of your system, the Natural Acai Berry Diet may be for you. describes the diet as one that not only helps you lose weight, but gain energy and improve your immune system. In short, it's a practical way to take the antioxidant-rich acai berries and make a full day's diet out of it.

    When you wake up, pour yourself a small glass of warm water with a tablespoon of salt. Drink the glass of saltwater as fast as you can and then drink 32 ounces of regular-temperature water. In 10 to 15 minutes, your intestines will be flushed of all impurities that have formed while sleeping. Then you will be ready to have some food for breakfast. Try mixing acai berries in some granola. Also, eat a small portion of yogurt. The saltwater is good for flushing out everything, but some of the good bacteria in your intestines may have gone with it. Yogurt is an easy way of getting some of that back.

    While eating breakfast, put some yogurt and acai berries in a blender, mix it up and keep it for your lunch.

    For lunch, a salad is a good way of keeping your mind and body energized while also putting food in your stomach. Ignore the lettuce and have a spinach-based salad--spinach has more vitamins and minerals than lettuce. Top it off with some vegetables and fruits. Mandarin oranges go great with almonds. Take out the acai yogurt you mixed in the morning and top off your salad with a healthy, and great tasting, dressing.

    Dinner should include as many acai berries as possible. A fruit smoothie with a cup of acai berries mixed in is a great idea for a snack right when you get home from work. Whole grains are great to eat at night. Try making some more acai berry yogurt dressing like you did in the morning, and spreading it on some toast. If you'd rather keep the smoothie until before you go to bed, that's fine too, just remember: Eating anything less than two hours before you go to bed is unhealthy.

    And, with any good diet, drinking as much water as you can throughout the day is ideal.


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