Acid reflux is a condition that occurs when the acid from your stomach flows backward into your esophagus, causing intense pain, sometimes known as heartburn. Acid reflux may happen during the day after a meal or when you are sleeping. The latter experience can be quite frightening because while lying down, your stomach acid can travel further into your esophagus, startling you awake. The cause of acid reflux can be directly related to improper diet or from a weakening of the esophageal sphincter (located at the junction where your stomach and esophagus meet), which normally keeps the acid from rising.
Foods and Drinks to Avoid
Depending on your personal chemistry, there may be various foods, drinks, or combinations of foods and drinks that cause your acid reflux.
Foods and drinks to avoid include: Coffee, alcohol, foods with high fat content (fat content can be found on the product label) such as potato chips and dips, fatty red meats like pork, dairy products and foods strong in mint flavoring.
Acid Reflux Rules of Thumb
Diets to reduce acid reflux are generally broken down into several small meals per day rather than a few larger meals; the last meal of the day to be taken at least three hours prior to going to bed. If you insist on drinking coffee, have your last cup around noon. If you have frequent acid reflux while you are sleeping, try propping your head up with an extra pillow to avoid acid reflux that may startle you awake.
Substitute mustard for mayonnaise as a condiment. While mustard is actually more acidic, it is lower in fat than mayonnaise and may be easier to digest.
Keep a diet log of the foods you eat and the times you eat them, noting the fat content of the foods as well as salt and calorie count. This will quickly help determine which particular foods cause you the most problems. In addition, a dietary log can keep you on track and honest about your diet.
Acid Reflux Prevention Recipe
Follow this example for a day devoid of acid reflux. Treat each day similarly (mixing in combinations of good foods) and you will rid yourself of acid reflux.
1 banana
2 eggs
1 slice of whole wheat toast
1 package of oatmeal
1 cup skim milk or 1 cup orange juice
Midday Snack
1 banana or 1 apple
chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread with mustard, tomato and lettuce
1 cup chicken noodle or beef barley soup
1 cup skim milk
Early Evening Snack
1 banana or 1 cup of low-fat yogurt
1 serving low-fat crackers with one or two pieces of low-fat cheese
1 piece steamed or grilled salmon or chicken
cup of broccoli
1 serving of mashed potatoes (instant and low salt)
1 to 2 full glasses of water
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