
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Quick Weight Loss Suggestions

Quick Weight Loss Suggestions

Average weight loss on most diets is approximately 1 to 2 lbs. per week. Although losing weight slowly can help you to maintain weight loss, you might want to lose weight quickly to jump start a weight loss plan or for a special occasion. If you need to lose weight fast, there are some tips that will help you to do just that.

Eat Breakfast

    Breakfast should consist of foods like non-fat milk, oatmeal, cereal, fruit and whole grains. Eating breakfast boosts your metabolism throughout the day. Increased metabolic rate helps burn calories, which will contribute to weight loss.

Drink Water

    Increase water intake to create a feeling of fullness, increase metabolism, and flush fat. When the body becomes dehydrated the metabolism slows. In addition, the liver does not metabolize fats as well when it is dehydrated. Drink at least 64 oz. of water daily for a healthy diet.

Eliminate Fat

    Eliminate all fat and processed foods from your diet. If you must have fat, keep it at less than 5 percent of your everyday intake. Eat at least 85 percent of meals from raw food sources that include both fruits and vegetables. The rest should come from lean meats and whole grains. Take a multivitamin to ensure you are getting plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Count Calories

    Calorie consumption recommendations for sedentary to active women and men are 2,000 to 2,500 and 3,000 to 3,500, respectively. Keep your calorie intake to 500 calories below this level to lose 1 lb. of fat per week with calorie restriction alone (a pound of fat is 3,500 calories).


    Increase exercise to at least 2 hours per day at your fat burning rate. You can determine your fat burning rate by subtracting your age from 220. Work out at the high end of that number for the duration of your exercise session to increase fat and calorie burn. Do one workout early in the day to increase metabolism throughout the day. Do the other workout late in the afternoon to burn off daily calorie and fat consumption. Exercises that burn high calories include kickboxing, jogging, running, fast dancing and stepping.


  1. You have mentioned 500 calories to lose 1 lb every week, but doesn't that depend of the age, height, and current weight of the individual? This can't work for everyone, right? Gooseberry Juice on the other is very promising juice which not only helps you lose weight but it also provides some extra nutrients for the body and mind to work.
